Purchasing service

We purchase truck catalytic converters in a straightforward manner and easily. Our experts evaluate your material based on our catalytic converter database. Because complete catalytic converter systems have additional logistical requirements due to their volume and weight, collection must be arranged in advance. In this way we can assure you the process will be smooth.

The online catalogue

The complete systems from trucks are added to our online catalytic converter database with numerous images as well as detailed descriptions. The precious metal content is determined based on exact precious metal analysis. Our online catalogue offers you a transparent overview and is continually updated with new systems.


Arrange appointments
based on the Hensel Recycling catalytic converter library
based on the Hensel Recycling catalytic converter library
Prompt settlement and payment
Prompt settlement and payment

Your advantages at a glance

  • Collection by our experts as agreed
  • Evaluation based on the Hensel Recycling catalytic converter library
  • Waste management legislation documentation
  • Prompt settlement and payment

Raw material recovery from truck catalytic converters

Raw material recovery from truck catalytic converters
588 KB , PDF