At Hensel Recycling, sustainability is not a wishful thinking but always part of our corporate philosophy. We always set ambitious goals based on our successes. Our sustained growth goes hand in hand with our social commitment and improvements to reduce our ecological footprint.

Climate-neutral from 2030

While reducing greenhouse gases we concentrate not only on the emissions we can influence directly, we also take into account external sources. As per the GHG Protocol, decisions are made based on the principle of – if possible – avoiding emissions (emission free technologies). If avoidance is not possible, low-emission technologies are used to reduce emissions. The remaining unavoidable emissions must be compensated.

Sustainability goals

As a business, we consider ourselves bound by the sustainability goals of the United Nations. As such the fair utilisation of resources, equitable growth and participation as well as a liveable, fair and viable society are at the focus of our actions.



Hensel Recycling has set itself the goal of being climate-neutral by 2030.

Greenhouse gases:

With the preparation of a greenhouse gas budget, we are laying the foundation for climate management in the company. A complete GHG budget is the prerequisite for the development of a climate strategy and expedient climate protection measures.

Areas of action:

Using the GHG budget, it is possible to identify the most important areas of action.


We have specified 20 intermediate goals to achieve CO2 neutrality. In the coming 4 years the focus of the goals is on Scope 1 & 2 and in the subsequent years on Scope 3 of emission areas.


During backcasting the strategy is not planned from the current situation, but instead by "working backwards" from a vision of the future. In this way we take into account future developments in the company.


The annual reporting provides information about the principles of "transparency, relevance, consistency and precision".


Every three years we check whether we have achieved our intermediate goals and that the goals are having the desired effect. If not, we set new goals and revise existing goals.


Numerous measures are already contributing to the sustainability of Hensel Recycling.

A good example of sustainable investment is the photovoltaic installation at Hensel Recycling: this installation covers a significant portion of our power needs and, after amortisation, will save significant energy costs. It lowers our CO2 emissions and reduces our ecological footprint. And last but not least: it creates jobs for local businesses. As such the investment is worthwhile both economically and socially.

The recycling of precious metals is in itself a success story in relation to sustainability. If you consider the CO2 emissions compared to primary production, there is a significant saving in gases harmful to the climate. Test Bild Accordion

We are active in various research projects and initiatives. Among others, in the area of fuel cells and photovoltaics - technologies of the future where we are co-operating on research into recycling processes. You will find more about this topic at: Research & Development

When acquiring new company cars, means of transportation and forklifts, we take into account alternative low-CO2 forms of locomotion.

We are converting to heat pumps for heating the buildings and are exploiting the possibilities of insulation.

We receive material from all over the world and pass it onto refineries after processing. The material goes through many stations and businesses before high-purity precious metals suitable for industry are produced from waste catalytic converters or other waste containing precious metals. Here we are subject to a comprehensive legal framework, including laws relating to money laundering, waste management and the European Waste Shipments Regulation. The law relating to due diligence obligations in supply chains, which primarily affects large businesses, also affects us. In 2022, we updated our "Due Diligence Questionnaire" to keep an eye on the supply chains. Along with statutory provisions, we have also adopted the "Responsible Sourcing Guidelines" issued by the LPPM". We also follow the code of conduct of the Fachvereinigung Edelmetalle (German precious metals association). With this package of measures we meet the statutory requirements related to the supply chain and uphold ethical principles in relation to social and ecological sustainability.

The Supply Chain Act (LkSG) imposes a number of due diligence obligations on the companies concerned, including an appropriate complaints procedure. As things currently stand, Hensel Recycling GmbH is not obliged to comply as required by law. The establishment and provision of the complaints procedure is voluntary. The complaints procedure is intended to fulfil two functions:

  • Firstly, the complaints procedure serves as an early warning system through which problems are recognised and, in the best case, resolved before people or the environment are actually harmed.
  • Secondly, complaints procedures provide access to appropriate remedies. In this way, companies can be made aware of imminent or existing violations of legal rights and subsequently take effective remedial action.

Hensel Recycling has set up a complaints management system for employees as well as for suppliers and customers. We offer an electronic whistleblowing system, CrefoSupply, as a complaints channel. This system foresees a secure mailbox for a complete and anonymous communication.

We do not see our company as an isolated entity but instead as part of society. We are therefore involved in social projects and institutions; we are also a member of various environmental associations and organisations. Our employees also profit from our sustained commitment: with certification according to DIN ISO 45001, we have set ourselves a high standard for health and safety. Numerous sports activities, the possibility of leasing a company bicycle paired with a sustainability premium represent the package of benefits for our employees. You will find more about this topic at Responsibility

We are a member of various environmental initiatives, in order to stay informed, and are involved in important decisions. These initiatives include:

Since 2004 Hensel Recycling has also been certified according to DIN ES ISO 14001.

HenRy Insight 2022: Sustainability

Sustainable actions for the future
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