Hensel Blog

I nostri comunicati stampa Vi tengono costantemente al corrente di nuovi eventi e avvenimenti che riguardano Hensel Recycling.

Hensel Recycling GmbH e Mastermelt Ltd annunciano una collaborazione strategica per migliorare il riciclo di celle a combustibile ed elettrolizzatori in Europa

Hensel Recycling GmbH, esperta nel riciclaggio di materiali PGM a fine vita, e Mastermelt Ltd, leader nella raffinazione di materiali PGM complessi, sono liete di annunciare una collaborazione strategica volta a promuovere il riciclaggio e la lavorazione di materiali per celle a combustibile ed elettrolizzatori a base di PGM in Europa.

Globally connected – Customer Magazine HenRy 2024 published

Our customer magazine HenRy was published just in time for the conference of the Precious Metals Institute, IMPI, the meeting point for the precious metals world. The issue is dedicated to the theme “Globally connected – how we are expanding our international presence”, not least due to the takeover of Red Fox Resources at the […]

BEST4Hy successfully completed after three years

Closing event and results of the hydrogen fuel cell recycling project In December 2023, the BEST4Hy consortium met for its final general assembly and closing event. In a two-day workshop, the international partnership of companies and institutes presented the results of the research programme.

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