Hensel Blog

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The management of the Hensel Recycling Group is repositioning itself for the future

By the end of 2024, shareholders Clemens and Thomas Hensel will withdraw from the operational management of the Hensel Recycling Group, focusing exclusively on strategic management. As a manifestation of this, they are relinquishing their role in the management of Hensel Recycling GmbH. The operational business of Hensel Recycling GmbH will be led by Managing […]

Hensel Recycling GmbH et Mastermelt Ltd annoncent une collaboration stratégique pour améliorer le recyclage des piles à combustible et des électrolyseurs en Europe

Hensel Recycling GmbH, expert dans le recyclage des matériaux en fin de vie contenant du platine, et Mastermelt Ltd, leader dans le raffinage de matériaux complexes à base de platine, ont le plaisir d’annoncer une collaboration stratégique visant à faire progresser le recyclage et le traitement des matériaux de piles à combustible et d’électrolyseurs à base de platine en Europe.

BEST4Hy successfully completed after three years

Closing event and results of the hydrogen fuel cell recycling project In December 2023, the BEST4Hy consortium met for its final general assembly and closing event. In a two-day workshop, the international partnership of companies and institutes presented the results of the research programme.

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