Hensel Blog

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Hensel Recycling GmbH y Mastermelt Ltd anuncian una colaboración estratégica para mejorar el reciclaje de pilas de combustible y electrolizadores en Europa

Hensel Recycling GmbH, experto en el reciclaje de materiales MGP al final de su vida útil, y Mastermelt Ltd, líder en el refinado de materiales MGP complejos, se complacen en anunciar una colaboración estratégica destinada a avanzar en el reciclaje y procesamiento de materiales MGP para pilas de combustible y electrolizadores en Europa.

BEST4Hy successfully completed after three years

Closing event and results of the hydrogen fuel cell recycling project In December 2023, the BEST4Hy consortium met for its final general assembly and closing event. In a two-day workshop, the international partnership of companies and institutes presented the results of the research programme.

Webinar: «H2 Economy: Recycling Solutions for the Future»

Under the motto «H2 Economy: Recycling Solutions for the Future», Anna Marchisio and Orhun Dedeci conducted a Hydrogen Moves webinar on February 28th, 2023. Among other things, they presented the previous results of the EU-funded project BEST4Hy, in which Hensel Recycling has already been one of the project partners for two years in order to develop recycling solutions for fuel cells.

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